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- 2024.08.26
沖縄拳法総本部 古武道セミナー
日時 2024年 10月19日 土曜日
AM 10:00~17:30
場所 沖縄拳法総本部中村道場
住所 名護市大中1丁目14番12号
Mail Awamoriwoods@gmail.com
受講料 12,000円(弁当付)
定員 20名
講師 松田達徳
古武道 サイ 「国吉のサイ」
1924年創業 国指定無形文化財「津嘉山酒造所」見学。
古武道 棒
Okinawa-kenpo Sohonbu Kobudo Seminar
To be held!!
Date & Time: Saturday, October 19, 2024
AM 10:00-17:30
Place: Okinawa-kenpo Sohonbu Nakamura Dojo
Address: 1-14-12 Ohnaka, Nago City
Mail Awamoriwoods@gmail.com
Fee: 12,000 yen (lunch included)
Capacity: 20 students
Instructor Tatsunori Matsuda
Seminar Program
Kobudo Sai "Kunishi nu Sai
On the beach, lunch. Photography.
Visit Tsugayama Sake Brewery, a nationally designated intangible cultural asset established in 1924.
Awamori is the oldest distilled spirit in Japan.
Kobudo Bo
Chikin Bo
Restrictions on photography.
Message from the Chairman

中村 靖
Yasushi Nakamura
宗家 沖縄拳法総本部会長
Soke Chairman of Okinawa Kenpo General Headquarters
宗家 沖縄拳法総本部会長の中村靖です。
I grew up watching the dojo students practice alongside my grandfather Shigeru, the founder of Okinawa Kenpo, from an early age.
I naturally learned the karate forms, and before I knew it, I was participating in practice with him.
I was immersed in daily practice under my father, Taketo-sensei.
In particular, when it came to kobudo, I was taught that "Okinawa Kenpo is a car of karate and kobudo," and although the practice in the prearranged kumite with Taketo-sensei was tough, the joy of being in perfect sync was priceless.
From 2020 to 2023, I served as the first director of the Okinawa Karate Kaikan, and was able to have many valuable exchanges with teachers from other schools with whom I had little contact until now. This experience has become a great asset to me.
In October 2023, I became the chairman of the Okinawa Kenpo Sohonbu.
The purpose of the headquarters is to preserve and pass on the approximately 60 types of karate and kobudo kata that have been handed down in Okinawa Kenpo, and to strive to preserve the spirit and dojo itself that resides at the Okinawa Kenpo Headquarters Nakamura Dojo.
It is said that the center of karate is in Naha, but our family has a history of passing on karate in Nago and northern Okinawa as generations of karate practitioners going back more than 120 years. We believe it is important to let people know this both inside and outside the country.
The mission of the Okinawa Kenpo Headquarters is to pass on this wonderful culture that should be preserved through the ages.
I will work towards this goal together with my grandfather and my father's students.
I look forward to your continued guidance.
History Okinawa Kenpo "Nakamura Dojo"
初代 中村 幸吉(1868 ~ 1900)
After graduating from the Prefectural Normal School and the Faculty of Agriculture at Tokyo Imperial University, he returned to Okinawa and took a job at Kunigami Supplementary School.
He was familiar with "te" from an early age, and showed his talent early on in junior high school, mastering "te" and "kobujutsu."
He also focused on "te" from an educational standpoint, and taught it to his students.
From around 1878, he began teaching karate in the garden of his home.
He passed away suddenly while on a business trip to an educational exhibition at Nakijin Elementary School.
二代 中村 茂(1894 ~ 1970)
Although he was strongly influenced by his father, he lost his father Kokichi when he was four years old, and after that he was taught "tee" by his father's younger brother (uncle), Nakamura Teiichi. As he grew up, he also studied under famous "tee" masters in various regions.
In 1907, he studied under Itosu Anko sensei for three years at Okinawa Prefectural Junior High School, and then from 1911, he trained under Kuniyoshi Shinkichi sensei in Nago for nine years.
There are records that he also studied under Kishimoto Soko, Motobu Choki brothers, Miyagi Chojun, Kiyan Chotoku, and Yabe Kentetsu.
Shigeru, who is also the father of the current style name "Okinawa Kenpo", placed the most importance on "practical ability" above all else in his view of karate-do. He advocated true "strength" rather than formalized, empty karate.
He was also the first and only person to come up with the idea of "kumite with protective gear" as a way for the general public to fight more safely, and it was widely advocated and popularized.
Shigeru has been teaching various schools, organizations, and American soldiers for many years, and under his tutelage, many talented people have been produced, many of whom are still active both at home and abroad.
三代 中村 丈人(1934 ~ 2024)
茂の没後は、「沖縄拳法空手道総本部 最高師範」に就く。
Since childhood, he studied karate-do and kobudo under his father Shigeru. He began serious training at the age of 13 and continues to do so to this day.
Since Shigeru was still alive, he has been teaching many students, including American soldiers. While working at a company, he is literally busy every day.
After Shigeru's death, he became the Supreme Master of the Okinawa Kenpo Karate-do Headquarters.
While Taketo inherited and developed his father Shigeru's philosophy of karate, he devoted himself to the revival of kobudo in particular, emphasizing the relationship between karate-do and kobudo.
This is because both are backed by the practice of karate-do, namely sparring with protective gear, and sparring using a wide variety of weapons in kobudo.

Okinawa Kenpo Kata
(基本突き蹴り、移動稽古、型分解、応用組手 計31)
- 白帯
- ナイハンチ初段 普及型Ⅰ 平安2段
- 緑帯
- ナイハンチ2段 平安初段 平安3段 普及型Ⅱ
- 茶帯
- ワンスー 平安4段 ワンカン ナイハンチ3段
- 黒帯 初段
- 糸洲ヌパッサイ 国吉ヌクーサンクー ジオン アーナンクー 平安5段
- 黒帯 2段
- 糸洲ヌクーサンクー ローハイ 国吉ヌセーサン
- 黒帯 3段
- 泊ヌ五十四歩 泊ヌチントウー 喜屋武ヌセイサン 国吉ヌパッサイ
- 黒帯 4段
- 国吉ヌクーサンクー 松村ヌパッサイ ソーチン
- 黒帯 5段
- 古流五十四歩 北谷屋良クーサンクー サンチン初段(メーサンチン) サンチン2段 白鶴
(古武道型分解、応用組手 計30)
- 緑帯
- 四方切
- 茶帯
- 津堅棒(チキン棒)、ヌンチャク初段
- 初段
- 島尻棒初段、末吉の棍初段、トゥンファ初段、国吉ヌサイ
- 2段
- 朝雲の棍、徳嶺の棍初段、2丁サイ、ヌンチャク2段
- 3段
- 島尻棒2段、佐久川の棍初段、トゥンファ2段、3丁サイ
- 4段
- 末吉の棍2段、島尻棒3段、北谷屋良のサイ、徳嶺の棍2段、津堅イェーク手(ウェーク手)
- 5段
- 佐久川の棍2段、公望の棍、ティンペー、クェーヌ手(鍬の手)
- その他
- 鎌ヌ手初段、ヌン手、鎌ヌ手2段、糸鎌ヌ手、組もの
Genealogy of Okinawa Kenpo


松田 達徳
Tatsunori Matsuda
武歴 59年 / 範士 9段
Martial arts experience 59 years / Hanshi 9th Dan
1999年 第一回沖縄伝統空手古武道世界大会 優勝・準優勝
2000年 九州沖縄サミット空手古武道演武
2001年 沖縄伝統空手道古武道アトランタ世界大会 優勝・準優勝
From 1965, he studied under Shigeru Nakamura, Taketo Nakamura, and Sekichi Odo.
1999 1st Okinawa Traditional Karate Kobudo World Tournament 1st and 2nd place
2000 Kyushu Okinawa Summit Karate Kobudo Performance
2001 Okinawa Traditional Karate Kobudo Atlanta World Tournament Champion/runner-up

安里 博樹
Hiroki Asato
武歴 35年 / 指導員 4段
Martial arts history: 35 years / Instructor: 4th Dan
沖縄拳法宗家 中村茂の子息 中村丈人に師事、空手道古武道の継承に努める。
第一回空手道・古武道世界交流祭出場(師 中村丈人と、棒対鎌の演武)。
Studied under Taketo Nakamura, son of Okinawa Kenpo headmaster Shigeru Nakamura, and strives to pass on the ancient martial arts of karate.
We are working to connect Okinawa Kenpo, which was born in Nago, with Okinawa tourism (sports tourism).
Participated in the 1st Karatedo/Kobudo World Exchange Festival (bo vs sickle demonstration with master Taketo Nakamura).

宜保 康弘
Yasuhiro Gibo
武歴 30年 / 指導員 3段
Martial arts history: 30 years / Instructor: 3rd Dan
沖縄拳法宗家 中村茂の子息 中村丈人に師事、空手道古武道の継承に努める。
Studied under Taketo Nakamura, son of Okinawa Kenpo headmaster Shigeru Nakamura, and strives to pass on the ancient martial arts of karate.
Born in Miyakojima. A first-year student at Meio University. Entered Nakamura Dojo when entering university.

Josh Simmers
The 5th Dan
In 1985, he started karate in his hometown of Pennsylvania.
In 2012, while living in North Carolina, he started Okinawa kenpo under Vic Coffin and JP Brown.
He moved to Okinawa in 2015 and studied under Toshimitsu Kina of the Okinawa Kenpo Karate Federation.
Starting in 2022, he will receive jujutsu instruction from Helio Damiani Jr. in parallel with karate.
At present, he is focusing on the dissemination of Okinawa kenpo at the Dojo of the General Headquarters in Nago City, and expects many karate artists from both home and abroad to come.
Membership fee / practice time
- 会費
小中高生 5,000円
大学生 6,000円
一般 7,000円
入会金 5,000円 - 稽古日
- 火曜/木曜
- 少年少女の部
- 17時30分 ~ 18時30分
- 一般の部
- 19時00分 ~ 20時30分

Access / Contact
Click here for trial and membership inquiries
住所 Address
〒905-0017 沖縄県名護市大中1丁目14-12